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International Certification of Chief Happiness Officer

São Paulo - 09 to 11.JUNE. 2021


Chief Happiness Officer International Certification

Sao Paulo
R $ 3,500 R $ 3,150

Date:  9th, 10th and 11th June, 2021

Hours: 9 am to 5 pm

Location: Hotel Transamérica Bela Cintra



1st Lot with 1% OFF: R $ 3,150.00

(discount valid until 04/30/2021)

We are a family owned and operated business.

2nd Lot: R $ 3,500

Payment methods:

Credit card: up to 6x without interest

Bank slip: up to 3x

Bank slip: cash (5% additional discount)


Discount for first batch valid until April 31, 2020

1. Fill out the form

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