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Reconnect in the media

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Reanata Rivetti Voce RH - Liderança.png
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Maio 2022

O peso da felicidade no trabalho - Você RH

A satisfação dos funcionários está se tornando tão relevante nas empresas que algumas já adotaram a função de chief happiness officer (CHO)

WhatsApp Image 2022-02-18 at 11.50.18.jpeg


É possível ter uma vida com significado aqui, agora. - Veja SP

Após questionar seu próprio destino, Renata Rivetti decidiu fundar uma empresa especializada em liderança positiva e felicidade no trabalho.

Captura de Tela 2022-02-11 às 16.24.01.png


Propósito e boas relações são essenciais para ser feliz no trabalho, diz especialista  - CNN

Renata Rivetti, diretora da Reconnect Happiness at Work, explicou à CNN que felicidade no ambiente corporativo não se resume a festas e brindes de empresas

Captura de Tela 2022-02-10 às 12.42.38.png


Felicidade no trabalho vai além de festas e brindes de empresas, diz especialista  - CNN

À CNN Rádio, Renata Rivetti explicou que relações no emprego mudaram e é preciso rever conceitos antigos



Dasa bets on positive leadership to face the post-pandemic  - YouRH

Health network implemented a training program co-developed by the creator of Harvard's most popular course 

Dasa Liderança Positiva


Dasa bets on positive leadership to face the post-pandemic  - YouRH

Health network implemented a training program co-developed by the creator of Harvard's most popular course 

Valor Economico Renata Rivetti
Artigo Renata Rivetti Draft
Renata Rivetti na Veja
Artigo Renata Rivetti Estadão
WhatsApp Image 2021-08-25 at 15.57.37.jpeg
Renata Rivetti Estadão
Certificação CHO no UOL
Diretor da Felicidade
Liderança Positiva Renata Rivetti
Renata Rivetti Estadão
Artigo Renata Rivetti Estadão
Renata Rivetti na Forbes
Renata Rivetti Globoplay
Estado de SP - Reconnect - Renata Rivetti
Você RH - Renata Rivetti - Reconnect
O que é felicidade no trabalho
O que faz o diretor da felicidade
Renata Rivetti artigo Estadão
certificação de CHO em Florianopolis
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Veja SP.png
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Chief of happiness: what does the profession that is on the rise? - HR for You

The concept of happiness, present in humanity for centuries, has been increasingly explored by organizations.



Chief of happiness: what is the function considered the 'profession of the future' - R7

We are a family owned and operated business.

Engaging leadership, measuring employee satisfaction and implementing actions are among the attributes of the professional who gained more strength in the pandemic



Companies invest in employee happiness - Bom dia SP (Rede Globo)

We are a family owned and operated business.

The idea is to invest in corporate well-being. Renata Rivetti speaks to Bom Dia SP about Corporate Happiness and the Chief Happiness Officer.



Do you know what makes a CHO - Chief Happiness Officer? - WHOW

To understand the function, relatively new in the corporate environment, Whow! talked to the founder of Reconnect - Happiness at Work



Meditation and positive psychology also bring benefits to the corporate world - Gestão RH

We are a family owned and operated business.

Creativity and resilience are some of them, says mindfulness trainer Renata Rivetti in this article.



Discover the benefits of career meditation - Estado de Minas

The mindfulness practitioner learns to make more conscious and functional choices, influencing the way he deals with the daily challenges of professional life



What does the boss do at work? - You HR

Being happy at work means being satisfied with your own development. See how the Happiness Boss helps increase the well-being of teams.



Have you ever heard of a director of happiness? Crisis periods make room for this type of professional - Portal 6 Minutos | Twitter

Did you know that there is a professional specialized in happiness at work? It is the CHO (Chief Happiness Officer), a kind of happiness facilitator within the company.



Do you know what the new metrics in companies are? The happiness of employees - Revista Claudia

The figure of the chief happiness officer (CHO) will be the influencer of happiness in the company, creating an organizational plan for that.

Capa_Valor Economico.jpeg
Valor Economico entrevista Renata Rivetti


Do you know what the new metrics in companies are? The happiness of employees - Revista Claudia

The figure of the chief happiness officer (CHO) will be the influencer of happiness in the company, creating an organizational plan for that.

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Chief of happiness: what does the profession that is on the rise? - HR for You

The concept of happiness, present in humanity for centuries, has been increasingly explored by organizations.



Chief of happiness: what is the function considered the 'profession of the future' - R7

We are a family owned and operated business.

Engaging leadership, measuring employee satisfaction and implementing actions are among the attributes of the professional who gained more strength in the pandemic

bom dia sp.png


Companies invest in employee happiness - Bom dia SP (Rede Globo)

We are a family owned and operated business.

The idea is to invest in corporate well-being. Renata Rivetti speaks to Bom Dia SP about Corporate Happiness and the Chief Happiness Officer.

cliping whow.png


Do you know what makes a CHO - Chief Happiness Officer? - WHOW

To understand the function, relatively new in the corporate environment, Whow! talked to the founder of Reconnect - Happiness at Work

Portal RH.jpg


Meditation and positive psychology also bring benefits to the corporate world - Gestão RH

We are a family owned and operated business.

Creativity and resilience are some of them, says mindfulness trainer Renata Rivetti in this article.

estado de minas.jpg


Discover the benefits of career meditation - Estado de Minas

The mindfulness practitioner learns to make more conscious and functional choices, influencing the way he deals with the daily challenges of professional life



What does the boss do at work? - You HR

Being happy at work means being satisfied with your own development. See how the Happiness Boss helps increase the well-being of teams.



Have you ever heard of a director of happiness? Crisis periods make room for this type of professional - Portal 6 Minutos | Twitter

Did you know that there is a professional specialized in happiness at work? It is the CHO (Chief Happiness Officer), a kind of happiness facilitator within the company.

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